Some essential oils are known to increase circulation to the areas of the body where they’re applied. That means they have a warming effect that can be perfect on a chilly day.
Warming oils seem to stimulate blood flow and help dilate blood vessels, so more blood can get through. This is thanks to the chemical components in the oils. (We’re not talking about synthetic chemicals, but natural components created by the plants that produce the aromatic essential oils. Camphor is an example of one of these chemical components.)
Some of our favorite warming oils are:
Rosemary (the camphor chemotype: Rosemary ct. camphor)
White Spruce
Sugandha Kokila
Black Pepper
Bath blends
Try three drops of myrrh and two of elemi in an ounce of full-fat milk, and pour it into your bath. The milk helps the essential oils distribute through the water. And milk is great for your skin, too!
We also love rosemary, white spruce, and sugandha kokila in baths. Sugandha kokila is nice if you’re bathing before bed, because it can help relax your nerves and get you ready for sleep.
Try not to use more than five drops of essential oil per bath.
Massage blend
We love myrrh, elemi, and a few drops of white spruce in an ounce of carrier, such as jojoba oil. Myrrh and elemi are made from resins, and resin-based oils are great for your skin. Rosemary is a nice choice, too. It’s an oft-cited favorite oil for stimulating scalp circulation (and hair growth!). Try blending rosemary and white spruce!
Ginger and black pepper are super-warming oils, but we don’t suggest just buying a bottle of ginger essential oil and rubbing it on your cold feet. Stick to a drop or two in your massage blend. These oils are spicy, and can irritate your skin if you use too much. It’s a good idea to add them to a blend with a resin, like myrrh, to balance the effects on your skin.
Stick to 12 drops of essential oil for every ounce of carrier you use. Then massage your cold feet, hands, arms, and legs!
Here's a tip! If you want to take your warming blend to the next level, consider using the carrier kpangnan butter. Never heard of it? Pentadesma butyracea, or kpangnan butter, is pronounced “panya” butter. It contains a component called “stigmasterol,” which is sometimes used for pain-relief and to reduce inflammation.
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